Did you know that witchcraft rules were only repealed
in the 1950's so anyone the slightest bit witchy could actually be imprisoned.
I was a teenager in the '50's and I began to have
nightly precognitive dreams known as 'disaster dreams' - shipwrecks, murders,
train crashes - all verified on the news the next day. Then, I began to have
dreams that came true a few weeks later. I would also have dreams about local
people - This frightened them and they would cross the road to avoid me.
Matthew Hopkins was the self-styled 'Witch Finder
General' trawling Suffolk and Norfolk in England, searching for witches.
Hopkins looked for women like myself even though they did no harm.
I am a Past Life Regressionist, so have a great belief that we have all had previous lives
and will have many more. I am quite sure I was persecuted as a witch in a past
life, and THE PROWL OF UNREST is a direct result of this. The photo is one of a
series of myself being 'The Wise Woman of the Woods' or' The Crone,' in witchy
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